Thursday, August 2, 2007

Harry Potter Changed the World

I’ve been reading the Harry Potter books for about 7 years now (Yes, I know the first one came out in 1997 but I didn’t discover the books until 2000, the first movie came out in 2001) and I’ve been a fan of The Boy That Lived ever since. So has most of the world apparently. Tons of Muggles... oops, I mean people, have been ensnared in J.K. Rowling’s wonderful books. They’ve been made into movies, become merchandise, made into video games, increased literacy in the young (and old too!) inspired a whole new music genre called Wizard Rock, and there’s even going to be a Harry Potter theme park! It really is sad to see such a great series end, but end it has.

Since this is the seventh and the last HP book I would love to be able to say that I finished the book in 7 hours but since it was 700 and something pages, I wasn’t able to. However, I did finish it in 12 hours and yes I mean 12 hours straight of non-stop Harry Potter-ness. I had a migraine by the time I went to sleep (which was followed by a sore throat and then what I think is the flu but I’m all better now)... at 7am; I think I’m beginning to see a pattern here, but I’m finally finished... it’s all over... and I doubt anything will ever be able to replace it.

At least Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows ended well! I wasn’t disappointed and I was only able to guess what would happen next once. I’ve heard that the story drags a bit in the middle too but I just don’t understand that (Pax agrees with me), it’s a quest people! They had to get through the quest to get to the big battle. The epilogue was a nice touch too. Rowling did exceptionally well with the Deathly Hallows and I am going to miss her. She had better start that HP encyclopedia soon!

J.K. Rowling Interview (SPOILERS):

J.K. Rowling Interview Part 2:

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