Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lights, Camera, Murder

The dead were her business. She lived with them, worked with them, studied them. She dreamed of them. And because that didn't seem to be enough, in some deep, secret chamber of her heart, she mourned for them.' The first victim is found lying on a sidewalk in the rain. The second murdered in her own apartment building. Police Lieutenant Eve Dallas has no problem finding connections between the two crimes. Both victims are beautiful and highly successful women; their glamorous lives and loves were the talk of the city. And their intimate relations with men of great power and wealth provide Eve with a long list of suspects - including her own lover, Roarke. As a woman, Eve is compelled to trust the man who shares her bed. But as a cop, it's her job to follow every explore every secret passion, no matter how dark. Or how dangerous.

Title: Glory in Death
Author: J.D. Robb (aka Nora Roberts)
Series: In Death, Book 2
Start & Finished: 5/5/09- 5/6/09
Published: 1995
Publisher: Berkley Books
Pages: 304
Genre: Mystery- Futuristic/ Romance

"Even in 2058 with the gun ban, even though genetic testing often weeded out the more violent hereditary traits before they could bloom, murder happened." Eve Dallas, the cop in J.D. Robb’s In Death series should know since she recently solved a serial killer case during the first book of this series Naked in Death. She’s thrown into another serial murder case during Glory in Death, which was released in the winter of 1995 with “little fanfare” though romances written under the author's real name had been bestsellers for years and even won the RITA Best Novel award for one of the nine books she had produced that same year (including this one and others under her other pseudonyms).

Nora Roberts published her first book in 1980 and due to her prolific output of books (1996 saw her 100th published book and she‘s still putting out quite a few a year), not to mention how well received her stories were, her name will forever be linked with romance. Though I do enjoy the occasional romance, I had never actually picked up any of her books until 2005 but I instantly learned why she’s still a bestselling author. I just don’t read as many romances nowadays but I still love a bit of romance in all the genres I do read so I wasn’t too surprised that I enjoyed the first book in her In Death series written under J.D. Robb but I didn’t expect to love it quite this much!

The characters are simply amazing and the mystery angle is well thought out too (not to mention that Eve and Rourke‘s romance development is oh, so good too). Again, this author has backed up my claim that her series books are the best she’s written. I was a little surprised with the murderer’s identity (but not really the motive for some reason) though it did occur to me at one point that that person may be guilty. I just thought that the author would keep that person around longer but it does make perfect sense. Detective Delia Peabody was a great character, brief though her appearance was so I'm excited to see more of her in future books though.

"Fame. What else did these two women have in common but their public prominence?" ... "What they did share was fame, public interest, and a kind of power."
"Which the killer envied."
"I would say exactly that. Resented as well and wished, by killing them, to bask in the reflected attention."


In Death Series:
1. Naked in Death (1995)
2. Glory in Death (1995)
3. Immortal in Death (1996)
4. Rapture in Death (1996)
5. Ceremony In Death (1997)
6. Vengeance in Death (1997)
7. Holiday in Death (1998)
8. Midnight in Death (1998) (in Silent Night)
9. Conspiracy in Death (1999)
10. Loyalty in Death (1999)
11. Witness in Death (2000)
12. Judgment in Death (2000)
13. Betrayal in Death (2001)
14. Interlude in Death (2001) (in Out of This World)
15. Seduction in Death (2001)
16. Reunion In Death (2002)
17. Purity in Death (2002)
18. Portrait in Death (2003)
19. Imitation in Death (2003)
20. Remember When (2003)
21. Divided in Death (2004)
22. Visions in Death (2004)
23. Survivor in Death (2005)
24. Origin in Death (2005)
25. Memory in Death (2006)
26. Haunted in Death (2006) (in Bump in the Night)
27. Born in Death (2006)
28. Innocent in Death (2007)
29. Eternity in Death (2007) (in Dead of Night)
30. Creation in Death (2007)
31. Strangers in Death (2008)
32. Ritual in Death (2008) (in Suite 606)
33. Salvation In Death (2008)
34. Promises in Death (2009)
35. Kindred in Death (2009)
36. Missing in Death (2009) (in The Lost)
37. Fantasy in Death (2010)

Picture Explanations
Video Camera: Eve has to deal with the press quite a lot in this one (something she loathes) because of how famous the women killed were.
Purple Umbrella: The souvineer the killer took from his first victim.


  1. I had no idea Nora Roberts has written that many books and I just recently found out that she's J. D. Robb. Her romances are hit or miss for me - I think I'd like this series more. Thanks for your review.

  2. Thanks so much for this list - I was confused about stories vs. books. It's amazing how consistently good these are!

  3. I'm going to have to check these out! I haven't read any of her books. Thanks for the list!

  4. p.s. I LOVE your butterfly blog! I almost chose that one, but I needed purple and black. Very cool! I'm glad I found your blog; thanks for visiting mine too. Happy book reading & movie watching!

  5. Bermudaonion: I've read a few stinkers by her that seem like recycled plots so I stick with her series books only now.

    Darla D: You're welcome! I'd be lost without

    Shauna: They are really good! She's been writing them since I was a kid but she still puts a new one out every year. Thanks! I'll probably get sick of it soon and change again but I like the background right now. I'm glad you found my blog too! Happy reading :)

  6. I have never read Nora as J D Robb. I think it is fascinating how she has the two different writing styles with different names.

  7. I'm so glad to see that you are liking this series as it is one of my all-time favorites. In fact, I just recently finished reading Origin In Death so I may be able to catch up with this series as some point. LOL! She IS such a prolific writer.

  8. Love this series so far--I've read the first four JD Robb In Death books and can't wait to get my hands on the rest. Put 'em on my list for Santa... ;)

  9. Sheila (Bookjourney): I can see hints of Nora in the books but the writing style seems a lot different. I think it's really neat too!

    Samantha.1020: I'd be shocked and amazed if I ever catch up with this series lol. She writes too fast for one and I have so many others on my plate for another!

    Michelle O'Leary: Hope Santa delivers! I really need to get around to picking up the next one soon myself.

  10. I haven't read any of her books but she is popular and very prolific. Amazing accomplishments. Great review. I'll have to give this one a try!

  11. I read 3 in this series and am hooked, I will be reading more of them. Thanks for the list! I found out just recently that J.D. Robbs was Nora Roberts. I was amazed at the difference in the books.

  12. Alyssa Kirk: I really need to read more in this series soon but she's well worth reading, promise!

    Sharon: I like Eve and Roarke so as soon as I get a chance I plan on reading more.

  13. I read the first in this series, but there are so many it's daunting.

  14. I just finally tried the series a couple of months ago and since then I've read the first 10 and the last three in the series. Eve and Roarke have got to be among the all-time best romantic characters. Roberts does an amazing job of moving their relationship forward with each book. I am completely and totally hooked.



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