Thursday, May 7, 2009

Between the Numbers Time!

Turn on all the lights and check under your bed. Things are about to get spooky in Trenton, New Jersey.

According to legend, the Jersey Devil prowls the Pine Barrens and soars above the treetops in the dark of night. As eerie as this might seem, there are things in the Barrens that are even more frightening and dangerous. And there are monkeys. Lots of monkeys.

Wulf Grimoire is a world wanderer and an opportunist who can kill without remorse and disappear like smoke. He’s chosen Martin Munch, boy genius, as his new business partner, and he’s chosen the Barrens as his new playground.

Munch received his doctorate degree in quantum physics when he was twenty-two. He's now twenty-four, and while his brain is large, his body hasn't made it out of the boys' department at Macy's. Anyone who says good things come in small packages hasn't met Munch. Wulf Grimoire is looking for world domination. Martin Munch would be happy if he could just get a woman naked and tied to a tree.

Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum has Munch on her most-wanted list for failure to appear in court. Plum is the all-American girl stuck in an uncomfortable job, succeeding on luck and tenacity. Usually she gets her man. This time she gets a monkey. She also gets a big guy named Diesel.

Diesel pops in and out of Plum's life like birthday cake: delicious to look at and taste, not especially healthy as a steady diet, gone by the end of the week if not sooner. He's an a bounty hunter with special skills when it comes to tracking men and pleasing women. He's after Grimoire, and now he's also after Munch. And if truth were told, he wouldn't mind setting Stephanie Plum in his crosshairs.

Diesel and Plum hunt down Munch and Grimoire, following them into the Barrens, surviving cranberry bogs, the Jersey Devil, a hair-raising experience, sand in their underwear, and, of course . . . monkeys.

Title: Plum Spooky
Author: Janet Evanovich
Series: Plum Between-the-Numbers, Book 4
Start & Finished: 2/26/09
Published: 2008
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Pages: 309 (Hardcover)
Genre: Popular Fiction- Mystery/ Humor

The famous fictional New Jersey bounty hunter created by Janet Evanovich stars in a new adventure called Plum Spooky. It’s the first full-length novel that is a part of the Between-the-Numbers series which takes place as its name suggests, between the main Stephanie Plum series. These spin-off stories were created for many reasons but they’re not a part of the main series at all even if the characters do crossover into these. They’re very distinguishable from the main Plum books as they have a little bit of an almost paranormal edge and Stephanie gets another guy in her life called Diesel (who is a bit like a magic Ranger) and even though they don’t have the same kind of relationship, sparks do fly whenever he’s in town!

Janet Evanovich has written quite a few books and even collaborated with other authors but the Stephanie Plum books are her "bread and butter series." Therefore, although these particular books are slightly different than what her readers are used to, she does try to give her audience a "consistent reading experience" and she fully succeeds with Plum Spooky. Evanovich talks about writing differently than any other author I know (she calls books her "products") and in her interviews it seems like she takes an almost clinical approach to writing. She has even said, "You can't go wrong with monkeys (this book) and midgets (Plum Lucky)". However, as pretentious as that sounds, I did laugh almost throughout the entire novel as par usual with her books.

This writer truly isn’t out to write the next “Great American Novel”, she simply wants to entertain her audience, which she does consistently. On the other hand, once the book is through and I sit back to think about it critically, I felt like Evanovich just said, "What do people find funny nowadays? Ah-ha, monkeys and fart jokes!" so she put those in. Crude though it sounds, she just has this magical way of not only making her audience love her books by making them laugh so hard they’ll cry no matter what… flaming fart jokes notwithstanding.

Plum Spooky had many things against it right from the start, the least of which is that it is not one of the original Plums but for some reason I still liked it. I honestly think the character Diesel had a major hand in that so I was very excited to learn that January of next year Diesel will be getting his own series separate from the Plums. Yes, I should be disappointed in this book, especially since Grandma Mazur is only in a few scenes but nonetheless, it was extremely funny and entertaining- everything a great Stephanie Plum book should be.

Stephanie Plum Between-the-Numbers Series
Visions of Sugar Plums (2002)
Plum Lovin' (2007)
Plum Lucky (2008)
Plum Spooky (2009)

Related Posts: Lean Mean Thirteen and Fearless Fourteen
Links: Author Wikipedia,
Interview: Bestsellers Books (Audio), Audio Excerpt

Picture Explanations
Fart Fire:
Elmer the Fire Farter helps Diesel and Stephanie out while in the Barrens
Pine Barrens: All of the characters spend a ton of time out on these roads in the Barrens
Monkey: This is Carl, he's shown up a few times in this series but has a HUGE part in this story

Other Blogger's Opinions: Savvy Verse & WitReadingAdventuresBooks & other thoughts, Un-Mainstream Mom Reads

Please leave your link if I've left you out.


  1. I'm a big Stephanie Plum fan, but I'm not crazy about the between the numbers books. I enjoyed the interview - by the way, I'd vote for Morelli.

  2. I'm a Morelli fan too, and I still need to get my hands on this book!! Love this series :)

  3. I wish I had more time to read the Plum books, I read the first two and enjoyed them.

  4. Sounds like a good giggle :) I looooove your reviews. Your words and the pictures you use are always so perfect!

    Have a Great Day, Jen!

  5. Hey Jen!
    Ok I feel really stupid...I knew you had other blogs but I didnt realize you had another book related one! I was on Carolyn's blog and I saw the Evanovich book cover in her line up with an update and I clicked on it. Then I saw it's one of your blogs! I have to add this to my line up..anyway...LOL

    I took this book out from the library and attempted to squeeze it in with my review books. I read 40 pages and decided I didnt want to read anymore. For some reason, I can not stand the inbetween the numbers books or anything else she writes besides the numbered series ones. I guess I'll give it another chance one day but it just dissapoints. I never heard about Diesel getting his own series..ehh. I dont know...Maybe I should give the inbetweens more of a chance?

  6. I see Inkheart by Cornelia Funke on your Shelfari. Have you read it? If not, read it pronto!!!! I loved that book. ADORED it. I have books two and three but havent had time to read them. I didnt see the Inkheart movie but really want to. It comes out on DVD soon I believe.

  7. I've just never been able to get into Evanovich. I've read a couple and just never been thrilled.

  8. I used to absolutely love the Plum books, but I got really weary of the lack of resolution. It's awful to give up on an author, but I have. Not sure I'll ever go back, unless she decides to wrap up the series.

    Also, ditto what Rachel said. I didn't know you had another book-related blog till J. Kaye said something, the other day. Huh. How did I miss that?

  9. I'm only on number 4 in this series but it sure does make me laugh. I was shaking the bed I was laughing so hard during the first book. I've also read a between the numbers one but didn't like it quite as much. Can't remember the title offhand either :)

  10. I've got this one on audio but haven't had time to just sit and listen to it yet. I love Grandma Mazur-she's my fave! I'm not sure about a separate series with Diesel though. I like him in the books but I'm not sure I'd read one with just him. Glad you liked it Jen.

  11. I'm still on the fence about whether or not I like the between books but I can't get enough Stephanie Plum!

  12. I loved Carl the monkey and was disappointed Grandma didn't figure in it a bit more. The Fire Farter was just a bit over the top I thought.
    Morelli for me!

  13. Bermudaonion: I'm more of a Ranger girl myself lol. The actual Plum books are WAY better than the between the numbers.

    Wendy: Morelli is in this one but he's not really a part of the story...

    Naida: Every time I get a Plum book I devour it in one sitting lol.

    TheChicGeek: A very good giggle! Thanks so much, I'm glad you enjoy them :o)

    RachaelfromNJ: Uh-oh! Yeah I've had this blog the longest and it's definitely my favorite. Quite a few people feel the same way about the inbetween books but I just try to overlook the parts I don't care for. It's more brain candy than anything else lol.
    I LOVE Inkheart! I've read it twice but I haven't read the sequels yet nor have I seen the movie yet but I'm really looking forward to it.

    CarolsNotebook: That's too bad. :( What is your fun, comfort reading series?

    Bookfool: I know what you mean, on the actual Plum series. I'll read them but I'm still irritated by the lack of some kind of a resolution. Or at least a change of pace! Lol, well I'm glad you found me!

    Samantha.1020: They really make me laugh too but the early ones were certainly better.

    Dar: Not crazy about the audio versions but I agree with you about Grandma! She's a hoot and a half :)

    MonieG: I think I feel about the same way. The between the numbers are okay but they aren't her best. Well, Plum is Plum though!

    Luanne: Not too crazy about monkey's normally but I thought Carl was great. I agree, she could have left out the fart jokes (Fire Farter) and put in Grandma and I would have been a lot happier.



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