Monday, May 4, 2009

Just South of Normal

In the college town of Morganville, vampires and humans have coexisted in (relatively) bloodless harmony... until the arrival of Bishop, a master vampire who threatens to put the evil back in evil undead and smash the fragile peace. But Bishop isn't the only threat...

Violent black clouds promise a storm of devastating proportions. As student Claire Danvers and her friends prepare to defend Morganville against the elements- both natural and unnatural- the unexpected happens: Morganville's vampires begin to vanish one by one. Discovering why leads Claire to one last choice: Swear allegiance to Bishop... or die.

Title: Lord of Misrule
Author: Rachel Caine
Series: Morganville Vampires, Book 5
Start & Finished: 2/22/09- 2/23/09
Published: 2009
Publisher: JAM Books
Pages: 231
Genre: Young Adult- Paranormal

The storm that has been brewing in Morganville, Texas finally comes to a head in Rachel Caine’s fifth story in the series Lord of Misrule. Throughout the series the readers have seen the ups and downs of the characters Claire, Eve, Michael, and Shane while they just try to stay alive in the town run by vampires. Now friend and foe begin to work together to conquer a common enemy… while others take advantage of this opportunity to raise more chaos.

Rachel Caine once stated in an interview that she wrote “adventure tales, plain and simple.” I hate to tell you this Ms. Caine but there is nothing simple about the Morganville Vampires series! There’s romance and drama, not to mention how the characters are usually in horrible danger, then there are the great battles too. This refers to the whole series, not just Lord of Misrule… although in the case of this particular book, take all of that and multiply it by ten.

The characters have really grown throughout the story, especially the main one Claire. Even Amelie acknowledges that she is no longer the child she was when she arrived in Morganville but is now a "young lady". She's still as smart as ever but she's also more resourceful and unfortunately, she is forced to be just a little colder than she used to be.

Have I mentioned lately just how much I dislike cliffhangers? I know I've brought it up in the previous posts about this series but its well worth mentioning it again since this book ends on a doozy of one. I have to wait until June to find out what happens next in Carpe Corpus the sixth and final story arc. According to the author it "doesn't mean there won't be more Morganville, but I want to bring this particular story arc to a close with the sixth installment."

“You’ve been expecting this,” Claire said.
“Not in detail. But I’ve learned through my life that such preparations are never wasted, in the end. Sometime, somewhere, life always comes to a fight, and peace always comes to an end.”

~Note: For the first time the author includes a music playlist

Morganville Vampires Series
1. Glass Houses (2006)
2. Dead Girl's Dance (2007)
3. Midnight Alley (2007)
4. Feast of Fools (2008)

5. Lord of Misrule (2009)
6. Carpe Corpus (2009)

Related Posts: Many Bloody Returns anthology

Links: Morganville Wikipedia, Rachel Caine Wikipedia, Author MySpace, Morganville Fans, Rachel Caine Blog
Interviews: Amberkatze

Picture Explanations
Common Grounds: The most defendable part of town
Tornado: In the midst of the war a tornado touches down
Paintball Gun: Filled with silver powder pellets to use against the attacking vampires


  1. Hi LadyTink!

    Did I mention that I love YA? This series looks like so much fun!

    I love the titles too...too cute!

    I'll take a peek and see if I can find them around here.

    Thanks for the great review!

    Dottie :)

  2. I just didn't like this one. It was so hard to get through and yet it was so tiny. Sigh.

    I am torn about wanting to get the next one. Maybe it'll be better and I'd like to find out what happens, but I think it'll be low on my to-buy list.

  3. I hate when they leave you hanging like that too.

  4. Hi Jen :) Looks like a fun one, and as always, a great review :)

    Have a Happy Day!

  5. My Blog 2.0 (Dottie): I love YA too and I'm reading tons more of it lately! I really hope you like them if you can find them.

    Cat: I remember reading that at your blog. :( Maybe I'm just biased because I like the characters so much and the fact that it was so short was why it didn't take me long to finish it. I don't know. I recently won some gift cards that I plan to buy the next one and a couple of others with but I understand why you probably won't give it another chance. The author did say that it was the end of this particular "chapter" in Morganville though!

    Bermudaonion: Oh so do I. It completely drives me nuts and this author does it on purpose for each one.

    The Chic Geek: Thanks, you too!

  6. I see you are all caught up on the series. I just love these characters too. Right since the first book they just seemed to have such a fresh spark. Cliffhangers as big as they are with this series would be bad except for the fact that Rachel Caine writes more than one a year which is very good. Nice touch the Common Grounds photo.

  7. I have this book, but haven't had a chance to read it yet! Really should before she puts out another one!

  8. This is on my TBR ! Love this series, well, Rachel's weather warden series too, but guess I'll have to move it up to be read soon!

    Great review!!

  9. SciFiGuy: I know, June can't get here fast enough for me lol.

    Kailana: Well, you have about a month then but they're really quick reads.

    Wendy: I need to try the Weather Wardens next...

  10. This sounds like a fun series. I like and dislike cliffhangers. I hate to wait for the next in the series, but it's nice to have something fun to wait for.



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