Get ready for edge-of-your-seat thrills as Mark Wahlberg ignites the screen in his most compelling role yet: the Shooter. When respected former Marine scout sniper Bob Lee Swagger (Wahlberg) is pressed into service to stop an assassination attempt against the President, the unthinkable occurs: he's double-crossed and framed for the attempt. Determined to prove his innocence, the rogue shooter is now in a high-tension race from every law enforcement agency in the country and a shadowy organization that wants him dead. From Training Day director Antoine Fuqua comes a gripping film co-starring Danny Glover (Lethal Weapon 4) and Michael Pena (World Trade Center). Joel Siegel of Good Morning America proclaims that Shooter is a "thriller... with a ton of white-knuckle action."
Title: Shooter
Release: March 23, 2007
Genre: Action/ Conspiracy Thriller
MPAA Rating:: R
Based On: Point of Impact by Stephen Hunter
Writer: Jonathan Lemkin
Director: Antoine Fuqua
Music By: Mark Mancina
Produced By: Lorenzo di Bonaventura
Distributed By: Paramount Pictures
Run Time: 125 minutes
Shooter is an action-packed movie that is loosely based on the series of books by Stephen Hunter. It has everything you could want in an action piece: a frame-up done by the government, revenge, a little romance, and a lot of stuff gets blown up too. When

The story was suspenseful and although not altogether unique in the whole “corrupt government” angle, you really get caught up in it. Mark Walhberg plays the lead character, G.I. Joe sniper man, and he really buffed up for the role. Plus you can tell that he was actually trained for his part. He looks, talks, and acts like a military man. All in all the movie is mostly mindless fun but I do recommend it.

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You know, this movie was also really good. I'm not a huge Mark Wahlberg fan. I see him as a poor man's Matt Damon. However, he really sold it to me in this one. Even my wife liked it.