In this thrilling new novel from the author of Industrial Magic, a pregnant werewolf may have unwittingly unleashed Jack the Ripper on twenty-first-century Toronto – and become his next target...Title: Broken
Ever since she discovered she’s pregnant, Elena Michaels has been on edge. After all, she’s never heard of another living female werewolf, let alone one who’s given birth. But thankfully, her expertise is needed to retrieve a stolen letter allegedly written by Jack the Ripper. As a distraction, the job seems simple enough — only the letter contains a portal to Victorian London’s underworld, which Elena inadvertently triggers — unleashing a vicious killer and a pair of zombie thugs.
Now Elena must find a way to seal the portal before the unwelcome visitors get what they’re looking for — which, for some unknown reason, is Elena…
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Series: Women of the Otherworld, Book 6
Published: April 25, 2006
Publisher: Bantam Books
Pages: 480
Genre: Urban Fantasy
"Dangerous? Do you remember what Xavier’s power is? Teleportation. Limited teleportation. The guy can move about ten feet. Worst thing he can do to me? Poke me in the eyes, go ‘nyuk, nyuk, nyuk’ and zip away before I can smack him."
Broken turned out to be pretty good but still not one of my absolute favorites in the series. A new character was introduced in this book that I hope to see more of. Her name is Zoe and she’s a vampire but she’s a whole lot nicer and interesting than some of the other vampires in the Otherworld. Jaime (the necromancer who narrates the next book in the series, No Humans Involved) is pretty cool in this book too but as I’ve said before and will undoubtable say again, Elena is my favorite heroine in this series (and her husband Clay is the best "hero") and it was good to spend some quality time with her again.
Women of the Otherworld Series
1. Bitten (2001)
2. Stolen (2002)
3. Dime Store Magic (2003)
4. Industrial Magic (2004)
5. Haunted (2005)
6. Broken (2006)
7. No Humans Involved (2007)
8. Personal Demon (2008)
9. Living with the Dead (2008)
10. Frost Bitten (2009)
11. Waking the Witch (2010)
First Paragraph: Clayton doesn't do "unobtrusive" well. Not even when he tries, and that afternoon, he was trying his damnedest. He was downwind of me, at least two hundred feet away, so I couldn't smell him, see him or hear him. But I knew he was there.
Find Kelley Armstrong Online
Here is a website about Jack the Ripper
Source: Personal collection, paperback
Book Trailer:
Kelley Armstrong Interview:
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This book sounds really interesting. I love stories that have to do with Jack the Ripper.